If needed, graduating students may request additional tickets. This form may only be completed by graduating students requesting tickets in addition to the eight guest tickets that will be allocated to their USC Ticketing account by end of day, Friday, May 3. If participating in multiple events, graduating students must submit a separate form for each event where additional tickets are requested. Graduating students may only request additional guest tickets for ceremonies/celebrations they are currently registered to attend.
We will do our best to accommodate additional ticket requests within reason and in consideration of space limitations. All requests for additional tickets will be reviewed. Complete and accurate information must be submitted. Once approved, graduates will receive an email confirmation and the tickets will populate in their USC Ticket Office My Account to be downloaded and distributed to their named guests.
Each form is limited to 12 guest requests. If requesting more than 12 additional tickets, please submit another form so that all of your guests are included.
Graduating students who are eligible to participate in 2024 commencement exercises but did not receive any commencement event tickets in their USC Ticket Office My Account by end of day Friday, May 3, should fill out the Did Not Receive Tickets form.
For detailed instructions on how to download, transfer, and use your tickets, please review our USC Mobile Ticketing Guide.